Sunday, August 12, 2007

So, what is this all about?

Welcome to Dictionary Express. Sounds like some Starbucks or Barista Coffee express on the go?
If probably you followed this daily, you might start using words, which is going to blow minds of the people who previously thought you needed to read more, or something like that - Blah-Blah.

I would require your inputs in here. So, just go ahead and tell me what ever you feel like saying. Positive, Negative, Fuckative. Yes, Shoot. I'm taking it all.

Good day!

1 comment:

Anjali said...

Nice blog TJ!Very useful.

You could add a few more methods for word-learning,unless you want to restrict it to this type.

You could also add words from other languages that are now included in English,how they came about to being included etc.

Great start!
